Monday, September 27, 2010


For Assignment 2, I have reworked my symmetry model from Assignment 1. The idea behind my model was originally to have it resemble a dandelion, after creating my final model in Sketch-up I have now decided to go with a cold, icy, harsh atmosphere as I think it is more appropriate for the way my model looks.

My animation will run through the three spiked models while each line of spikes will rotated different ways then each of the spiked models will explode and the spikes will fly around making different formations.

Final Model

Colour Scheme & Texture

I will be using the iceberg as the colour scheme for my model, and the water reflection as the texture.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Assignment 2, Sketch 9

Assignment 2, Sketch 8

Assignment 2, Sketch 7

Assignment 2, Sketch 6

Assignment 2, Sketch 5

Assignment 2, Sketch 4

Assignment 2, Sketch 3

Assignment 2, Sketch 2

Assignment 2, Sketch 1

Assignment 2: Chosen Design Principle; Symmetry

I have chosen my Symmetry model from Assignment 1, to work with/on in Assignment 2.